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Landscape Maintenance Services

Bolingbrook Land Design is a full-service landscape maintenance company. We offer a comprehensive maintenance package that includes the following services:


Mowing services include 32 visits per year on a weekly basis. Our crews will cut your lawn and contain the clippings; trim around driveways and sidewalks, curbs, fences, and tree rings; and blow all hard surfaces to remove any residual clippings. This service requires additional services; we do not provide mowing only services.


Turf Applications

Weeds are aggressive and pervasive. If you want to have a lawn that is free of weeds, specific herbicides must be applied to kill existing weeds and to prevent them from emerging in the future. Our Turf Application program consists of five treatments, spaced 21 days apart, throughout the growing season to ensure your lawn always looks as good as possible. We apply nutrients, pre-emergent weed control, selective post emergent weed control, iron, and micro-nutrients throughout the growing season to ensure your lawn receives all of the necessary nutrients that it needs to thrive.

Preventative Disease Control

If you have an irrigation system, we strongly recommend our Preventative Disease Control program. When turf is irrigated it creates a perfect environment for fungi to thrive. Symptoms of fungal infection include brown spots or rings and/or dead spots in your yard. Many different species of fungus can damage your lawn at various times of the growing season. We highly recommend taking a preventative approach to controlling fungus and preventing damage to your lawn instead of trying to repair damage that has already occurred. Our Preventative Disease Control program consists of three fungicide applications throughout the summer to ensure that your lawn stays healthy and green.



Landscape beds are maintained on a monthly basis to ensure they will look good throughout the year. We pull larger weeds, apply a chemical pre-emergent twice a year to prevent weeds from returning, and apply a post-emergent herbicide as needed. We define the edge of the bed to maintain a sharp transition, and prune plants in the bed as needed. We also fertilize plants two times a year with the proper amount and types of nutrients. Fertilizer selection is based on the types of plants and site-specific soil conditions. We use organic fertilizers that minimize environmental impacts, develop health microbial populations, and provide your plants with the necessary nutrients that will help your installation to thrive.


Landscape beds and tree rings are mulched in the early Spring and late Fall, after leaf removal. We define beds with a 2-3” trench edge to create a sharp transition, then install approximately 2-3” of mulch evenly across the bed.​


Compacted soils prevent proper circulation of air, water, and nutrients in the soil. Excess lawn thatch or heavy organic debris buried under the grass surface can also starve the roots from these essential elements. Aeration reduces soil compaction by perforating the soil with small holes to allow air, water and nutrients to penetrate the grass roots. This helps the roots grow deeply and produce a stronger, more vigorous lawn.


After aerating your turf, we over seed your yard with the same species of grass. This helps any thin, bare, or otherwise damaged locations to recover more quickly during the dormant season. Your turf will emerge in the spring in a lush, healthy condition.


Our crews remove leaves from your property three times a year, starting around mid-October and continuing until early December. The leaves are recycled by mulching.




Urban plants are highly susceptible to insect infestations and diseases. Both spread from one property to another in a very short period of time. We inspect your trees, shrubs, and other plants to identify the presence of disease or insects and develop a treatment regimen before they damage your trees or plants.


Grub Control. Grubs are the larva stage of the Japanese beetle and June bug. The larva (grubs) feed on the roots of the lawn and other plants. An application of insecticide applied in the spring provides season long grub control and reduces high populations of adult beetles.

Dormant Oil Treatment. Applied during February through May, this treatment controls many different insects including beetles, mites, aphids, and webworms before they emerge by smothering the egg sacks. Trees that benefit from this treatment include crabapples, red buds, dogwoods, locust, and other fruit trees.

Tree Injection. A highly effective and sustainable method of treating trees for insects and disease. Injections are inserted at the base of the tree, which allows the treatment to be distributed throughout the trees entire vascular system.

Deep Root Fertilization. Great for improving the overall health of trees and shrubs. A probe is inserted into the ground around the trees drip line that delivers essential nutrients that are commonly deficient in many soils.



Seasonal color beds are tilled and the soil conditioned with proper amounts of soil conditioners and fertilizers. Summer annuals are planted around mid-April to mid-May; Winter Pansies are planted in October. This service includes three fertilizer applications, fungicide and insecticide applications if necessary, and pruning as needed.



We activate your system in the Spring, adjust components, ensure proper programming and coverage for each irrigation zone. In late November, we winterize your system by turning off water supply and blowing out lines with pressurized air. Any damaged heads or necessary repairs are communicated to you as they are identified. Repairs are completed upon approving estimates and are billed separately.


Additional Services

We also work with industry partners to provide or recommend contractors for the following additional services:

  • Hardscapes

  • Outdoor Living Areas

  • Patios, Decks, & Gazebos

  • Lighting

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